November 22, 2006

92 year old woman

Early this evening a 92 year old woman was shot to death. In the neighborhood that this woman lived in everyone owned a concealed weapon. This woman was one of those people. Police showed up her house with a search warrant looking for drugs. The woman open fired striking three officers. The other officers shot the woman without knowing she was a senior citizen

It was an unfortunate situation. If I was one of the police officers I would have felt bad about killing a elderly lady. However, she shot first and I would not have known she was that old until I got in there. It’s was sad to have found out that a 92 year old woman had to carry around a gun in order to live. It was sad and a shame that this happened. What is the world coming to? The entire world neds help when a 92 year old woman is forced to carry a gun.


One of the things that I would like to do is go to MS². MS² isn’t the only available educational program this summer. I want to apply to Colligate Scolars, and my A.P. US History teacher recommended me to a medicine forum. I greatly appreciate the recommendation, however it cost more for the medicine forum than MS². I’d prefer going to MS², but the medicine forum is shorter and is in Chicago.

MS² stand for Math and Science squared. MS² is in Andover, Massachusetts. This program is during the summer for five weeks. It provides accelerated math and science classes for it’s students. They offer math classes such as: Algebra 1 & 2, Pre-calculus, and Calculus. In addition, the program offers biology, chemistry, and physics. They also present extracurricular activities.

I would like to get accepted into this program. It seems like an interesting and helpful program. In addition, I believe that I would benefit from this opportunity. When I come back to school in the fall I will have a head start on some of my classes. I would play baseball, and I would swim for my extracurricular activities. This would build up my strength for the upcoming swim year.


I love music and everything about it. I can’t play any instrument, or make a poem. However, I enjoy listening and evaluating it. I have been listening to jazz more. It is calming and soothing. Whenever I feel as if I’m going to explode I put on any jazz cd and breathe in deeply while listening to it. This will work for anyone no matter how much they like another genre of music. I’ve been doing this lately because a lot of things has been going on.

November 15, 2006


This interview is about a phenomenal man. He initially worked as at a gas company, but then he became an entrepreneur. He owns three different buildings that have three different purposes. He opened a self-owned barbershop and Photoshop. In addition, he owns a building which he rents out. This is incredible, because he did all of this immediately after his retirement.

  1. Scorpios-Why did you become a barber?
    MR. R-Becoming a barber was a second intern for me. My first job was working for a gas company.
  2. Scorpios-How long have you been a barber? in this current barbershop?
    MR. R-I got my barbers license when I was sixteen(16) in nineteen-sixty-six(1966). Which was forty years ago. I’ve own and worked in this barbershop for ten(10) years.
  3. Scorpios-Do you like owning a smaller barbershops? why?
    MR. R-I like medium sized, because there isn’t a lot of competition with other barbers.
  4. Scorpios-Have you considered moving the barbershop to a place with more space? why?
    MR. R-No, because when I retired I planned on having a small barbershop. I wanted two maybe three people including myself to work at the barbershop.
  5. Scorpios-Do you like the neighborhood surrounding the barbershop? why?
    MR. R-Yes, because most of the people are middle-class people, and there hardly isn’t any trouble around here.
  6. Scorpios-How many buildings do you own?
    MR. R-I own three buildings. On is a barbershop, another is a Photoshop, and another is a three-floor flat.
  7. Scorpios-What type of things did you expect to do with each building?
    MR. R-First of all I am an artist. That is why I made the bought the Photoshop and the barbershop in order to express myself. I opened bought the last building so that I can have some extra money.
  8. Scorpios-Did you decide where you wanted your buildings to be located?
    MR. R-I tried to get them within a close range of each other, but that didn’thappen. The barbershop and the Photoshop are close together, but the three-flat is far from either one. I couldn’t help this from happening. It just happened.
  9. Scorpios-Were you ever forced to move anywhere?
    MR. R-No, I was able to stay in Chicago.
  10. Scorpios-Did you ever considered moving to some place other than Chicago?
    MR. R-Yes, I thought about California, Nevada, and Mississippi because I have family in all of those places. But I didn’t move because this(Chicago) is where my children is at.

November 10, 2006


Unfortunately, today I listened to music. I couldn’t stop myself from listening. I thought I could go the whole week without listening to it, but that was harder than I thought. Once someone is addicted to something to it extremely hard to resist the temptation. It starts as a craving then eventually feels like a necessity. Now I know how people feel when they try to stop smoking or drinking. A person needs motivation to stop their addiction.

In order for someone to get over an addiction they need motivation. My mom smoked before she had me. When my mother was pregnant with me she stopped smoking entirely. She was and still is a Registered Nurse so she knew what could happen to me if she smoked. After I was born, she resumed smoking. When my mother was pregnant with my little sister she stopped smoking again because of the possible affect it would have on my sister. My mom needed some type of motivation to stop smoking. Whenever she smoked around me I coughed, and she didn’t want me to keep going through that so she stopped.

Next week, I am going to try and go the whole week without listening to any music. This time I know what I can do differently. I am going to give my radio, my alarm clock, and my ipod to my parents. I am going to tell them that no matter how much I beg don’t give any of it back until the entire week has passed. I am going to prove to myself that I can abstain from listening to music for at least one week.


Day four of the fast was extremely painful. Especially since I was out of school the entire day. I tried doing things that wouldn’t allow me to listen to music. For example, I read my American Literature book. No matter how hard I try, I can not listen to music and read at the same time. I can’t seem to comprehend what I am reading. Whether it is my radio or another radio I can’t read and comprehend and listen to music at the same time. I get absolutely distracted.

Later that day I had to rake the leaves in the front and along the side of my house. On my way out of the door, I had my ipod in my hands. As soon as I stepped out of the door, I remembered my fast. Then I put it back. I was tempted not to put it back, but I knew that that would prove I couldn’t do it. I wanted to prove to everyone, and most importantly myself that I could go a week without music.


My prediction from yesterday was absolutely correct. The third day of the fast wasn’t as easy. Initially it was easy not to listen to music, but then it became difficult. I didn’t break down and say, “I have to listen to music or I‘ll die.” I was able to control it, but I was tempted. My wanting to prove myself helped me not listen to music.


The second day of the fast was almost as easy as the first day. I was able to go the entire day without listening to music. I wasn’t tempted at all to listen to music. It seemed easy, but from what I’ve witnessed in the past what seemed to be easy was quickly hard. On that day I thought the rest of the week would be easy. However, my predictions were wrong.


On Monday our class was told to fast from one thing that we constantly do. The people who watch TV everyday had to fast from it. While others who listen to the radio all day had to fast from that. Usually people who do a certain thing everyday are addicted to that certain thing. Most of the time an addiction is something that is not necessary in order to live life. I am addicted to music.

Some people are addicted to smoking, drinking etc. I am addicted to listening to music. It is something about music that excites me. Smoking and drinking are nasty in my eyes. I know that I would never smoke, because I am an asthmatic and my lungs can’t handle it. In addition, cigarettes and cigars have an offensive odor. I’ll never drink beer, because it kills brain cells. Basically, whenever a person drinks beer they're causing them to become less intelligent. It doesn’t seem proper to drink something that kills your brain cells. That is a lose-lose situation.

I love music. I love all types of music. The only two kinds of music that I don’t like are classical music and dusties from the 60’s. Recently, whenever I become angry, I listen to jazz. It is soothing, relaxing, and calming. The first day of fasting was easy. I hoped the rest would have the same effect.