September 30, 2006

Advantages and Disadvantages during the American Revolutionary War

British Advantages

  1. Larger army
  2. Better fighting technique
  3. Financial support
  4. Native American allies

British Disadvantages:

  1. Fighting technique not equipped for American wilderness
  2. Slow communication
  3. Shortage of supplies

American Advantages:

  1. Excellent military officials
  2. Desire of independence
  3. Guerrilla warfare
  4. Financial support from France

American Disadvantages:

  1. smaller army
  2. no political authority
  3. 1/3 of the Americans supported the war
  4. supply shortages

Both armies had advantages and disadvantages during the war. Each army had an equal opportunity to win. However, there were things that made both armies suffer. They each suffered from supply shortages. Both had incredible allies that they could rely on. Basically, I don’t understand why the Native Americans wanted to help the British in the first place.

I think that the Native Americans forgot about the French and Indian War. During the French and Indian War many Native Americans were killed by British soldiers. Now the Native Americans are allies with the army that killed their people. That makes absolutely no sense to me because the British killed their people. I would have expected the Native Americans to become allies with the Americans during the American Revolutionary War.

September 28, 2006

After the American Revolutionary War

After the American Revolutionary War numerous things started to change. Some things changed because of family relationships. Family relationships controlled most aspects of society. Usually a piece of land was past down from generation to generation between father and son. That changed after the United States expanded it’s border. In addition, the government changed. Government positions weren’t only for members of a certain family. Several people were fortunate enough to obtain positions.

Certain families were in control because of the status of their family. Families of rich decent made decisions on things because they were richer than others. This is why wealthy families controlled many things. For instance, an individual, from a wealthy family (known for a specific thing), would receive a position that they might not have been qualified for. An individual from a somewhat poor family might have been more qualified, however, they weren’t chosen because of their families status. That changed after the American Revolution, because people became more open-minded.

Major Battles

There were three major battles during the American Revolutionary War. They were: the battle of Bunker Hill, the battle of Saratoga, and the battle of Yorktown. The battle of Bunker Hill was the first battle between the colonist and the British. In addition, this battle ignited the War. The battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the war. This was because this specific battle influenced the French to help the colonist. The battle of Yorktown was the final battle. This battle ended the war, because General Cornwallis surrendered his army causing the British’s public to demand that the war come to an end.

I chose those three battles, because they were specific events that changed the relationship between the Americans and the British. Most of the fought battles ended in one side, (mainly the British), surrendering. I think that the battle of Bunker Hill was such a dreadful loss that something sparked in the Americans telling them not to lose. The battle of Saratoga and Yorktown ended in the British army surrendering. These were important battles, because the British proved that they simply couldn’t win, even with a larger army.

September 26, 2006

Patriots and Loyalist

When the British citizens arrived in North America they began separating into two groups. They were known as the patriots and the loyalist. There was a major difference between the patriots and the loyalist. The patriots were against King Edward III and almost all of the British. The loyalist kept obeying King Edward III even after they entered North America. However, I don't understand why the loyalist were loyal to King Edward III.

I believe that the loyalist should have resisted being loyal to King Edward III. King Edward III was about 1,000 miles away from North America. News from North America wouldn't reach him until a least 5 days after it happened. As a result, he couldn't restore anything quickly. They didn't have the technology we have today. President Bush can be made aware of anything that occurs in the US in a matter of minutes.

September 25, 2006

Continental Army

The Continental Army was an army containing many world nations. The army was formed to fight against Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War. Various nations disliked the British. The idea of creating an army was pure genius. King George III wanted to keep fighting, but the prime minister didn’t. The British signed the Treaty of Peace with the United States in the year of 1782. In reality, the real peace resulted from the Treaty of Paris which gave the United States it’s independence.

The British were basically against the world. Nations in this army included: the United States (1775-1783), France (1778-1783), Spain (1779-1783), and Holland (1779-1783). Other nations joined the army, but did not participate in the actual fighting. The Continental army helped the United States “defeat” the British. I think that if this army had not been formed, the United States may have lost the war.

September 23, 2006

British Acts

After the British won the French and Indian war the Britian's acquired all of their land and resources. The British knew that the colonist would trade the French back their old resources. Then British became greedy and didn't want the colonist to trade back resources. In addition, the British didn't want the colonist to travel further than the Appellation Mountains. If they did they would not have been able to control them.

In order to this the British created the Proclamation of 1763. This stated that the colonist could not expand any boundaries westward. In addition, the British created the tea tax and the Intolerable Acts. The tea tax made the prices higher to purchase tea. Luckily a lot of colonist didn't even buy the tea. This was a key sign of rebellion. This caused the tea prices to steadily decrease. The Intolerable Acts caused the colonist to say, "Enough is enough". The colonist refused to listen to the British anymore. This rebellion allowed the colonist to have their freedom form the British.

September 21, 2006


British created 13 Acts for the American colonies. The British created this over a course of one hundred and six years (106). Most of the following Acts lead up to the American Revolution. The acts were:
  1. The Naviagation Act-1660
  2. The Wool Act 1699
  3. The Hat Act-1732
  4. The Molasses Act-1733
  5. The Iron Act-1750
  6. The Sugar Act-1764
  7. The Currency Act-1764
  8. The Quartering Act-1765
  9. The Stamp Act-1765
  10. The Declaratory Act-1766
  11. The Towenshend Act-1767
  12. The Tea Tax-1772
  13. The Intolerable Act-1774

The Navigation Act prevented the colonists from trading outside of the British boundaries. I thought that this was a good idea, because there were a lot of new discoveries in North America that Britan wanted to keep to themselves. The Wool/Hat/Iron Acts were all in regard to the Navigation Act. All the british did was keep the Colonist trade within the British boundaries. In addition, the Molasses Act was connected to the Navigation Act

The Sugar Act and the Quartering Act both rvolve around food. I didn't think that it was a good idea for the British to control the amount of sugar that people could import and use. They were puting a limit on much people can eat. I personally don't think that there is a limit on eating. I don't think that everyone got a chance to buy sugar. The colonist didn't receive money all at the same time. Some colonist didn't have money, because the Gentry didn't buy anything from them. The quartering act was a good idea, because if some soldiers ran out of supplies then they could reload at the nearest town. The Currency Act and the Stamp Act were both extremely good acts in my opinion. These two things proved that a person has paid his or her taxes. This prevented people who were pretending that they paid their taxes to actually pay them.

The Declartory Act allowed Britain to tax the colonist on whatever they wanted to tax them on. This seemed unfair to me because I don't think there should be a tax on every little thing. Certain shouldn't be taxed in a time of need. For example: in present day if someone was about to loose their home the water should stay on, because without water people will die. These companies are voluntrily killing people over a couple hundred dollars. No matter what the situation a price can not be put life. The Intolerable Act was the right name for this act, because of this act is a reason why the American Revolution the the colonist independence.

All of the Acts had the do with the colonist economy. I think what really allowed the colonist to gain their idependence from Britain was their desire for wealth. The colonist were greedy and wanted to get wealthy. They saw North America as a giant gold mine. North America had new natural resources that had never been exposed to the world before. Then once they realized how wealthy they could get from everything here they decided that enough was enough. They knew that the rest of the world would pay for the resources in North America and wanted to expand their economic boundaries even further the the French and Spanish.

Snoop Dogg - Vato music video

snoop doggs new tune Vato

September 19, 2006

Gentry or everyone else

I think that the Gentry should be able to control some stuff in the common people's (cp) daily life, but not everything. I don't think that the Gentry should control the cp's social life. That is not fair that they can pick and choose who marries who. Those people might not love each other, let alone like each other. The cp should have been able to decide for themselves who they wanted to marry.

In addition, more people should have been able to become a member of the gentry. I understand what Mr. Brush was saying that if that happenend then there would have been a middle class and not all of this would have occurred. However, even today there are cp. That depend on middle/high class people to support their occupation. Either way there is always going to be someone top and someone on the bottom.

September 18, 2006


I was told that the soldier's were there to discover if there were weapons of mass destruction. To my knowledge the soldiers have not found any. Still President Bush wants the soldiers to stay in Iraq. There isn't a purpose for being over there. What was thought to be over there was not there at all. I have heard rumors about President Bush keeping them there so that America can receive a large amount of oil. I am not sure if this is correct or not.

I think the US soldiers should not be in Iraq. Once President Bush discovered that he should have brought the troops home right way. Because of him more and more soldiers are dying each day for being somewhere that they shouldn't. Bush allowing the troops to stay makes one less male or female (predominately male) are dying. This makes one less father or mother to someone. Everyone should be able to grow with both parents. Instead of knowing that one of them died fighting for something that doesn't need to be fought