September 23, 2006

British Acts

After the British won the French and Indian war the Britian's acquired all of their land and resources. The British knew that the colonist would trade the French back their old resources. Then British became greedy and didn't want the colonist to trade back resources. In addition, the British didn't want the colonist to travel further than the Appellation Mountains. If they did they would not have been able to control them.

In order to this the British created the Proclamation of 1763. This stated that the colonist could not expand any boundaries westward. In addition, the British created the tea tax and the Intolerable Acts. The tea tax made the prices higher to purchase tea. Luckily a lot of colonist didn't even buy the tea. This was a key sign of rebellion. This caused the tea prices to steadily decrease. The Intolerable Acts caused the colonist to say, "Enough is enough". The colonist refused to listen to the British anymore. This rebellion allowed the colonist to have their freedom form the British.

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