October 05, 2006

The Amendments

Currently there are twenty-seven amendments. People must obey all of these amendments. The amendments were setup to accommodate issues that were going on in society during that time period. I think that some amendments should be revised to fit the current life style of most Americans. Amendments number two and twenty-seven are examples of amendments that I feel should be revised.

The second amendment gives an individual the right to bear arms. This allows practically anyone to own a gun. I don’t think that everyone should be allowed to carry a gun. I feel that only police officers should be able to own a gun. This should happen, because many accidents have taken place involving the use of guns. One example of this would be when the Vice President, Richard Cheney, shot another hunter. It was accidental, however it would not have occurred if they did not own guns.

Amendment number twenty-seven should be revised also. This amendment allows Congress to raise their own salaries. This is unfair, because they can raise their salaries so that each of them can receive one million dollars each. If that were to happen, tax payers taxes would increase significantly. I think that this amendment should require that there be a salary cap. If not, this amendment probably should be eradicated.

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