October 04, 2006

American Economics

American economics have been profitable for about three centuries. Americans have been successful because Americans have a great marketing strategy. This allows practically everyone an opportunity to become wealthy. There is a vast amount of job opportunities in America. This allows people to make money constantly. In addition, Americans make things that are primarily made in America. Then they trade with countries that make high quality items at a low price. However, once those items get to America, the prices increase greatly. An example of this would be all products made by the famous Michael Jordan.

I am impressed with the marketing strategies used by Americans, because it always has a favorable outcome for Americans. One thing that does concern me is that Americans are starting to import more than they export. America is still one of the leading economical countries. However, their primary focus does not revolve around agriculture anymore. Presently, the main source of economical exportation is entertainment. I don't fully support the idea of Ameircans concentrating on entertainment.

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